SEKY August 2023 | Page 24

Families fi rst at ...

Lakeside Primary Care

• Acute and Chronic Illness Management

• Wellness Exams

• Weight Loss Management

• And Much More !

6470 S . Hwy 27 Somerset , KY 42501


Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Stephanie Worley APRN , Alisha Cooley APRN , April Thannoli DNP , Rhonda Kelly APRN and Thuresa Cash APRN
In simple layman ’ s terms , how do immunizations even work ?
“ Vaccines work by imitating an infection — the presence of a diseasecausing organism in the body — to engage the body ’ s natural defenses ,” said Woodrum . “ Vaccines help the body learn how to defend itself from disease without the dangers of a full-blown infection .”
A lot of people getting the vaccine means many bodies are concurrently fighting the virus . Viruses evolve quickly and a vaccine that is useful to one strain can be far less effective against another . For that reason , the more people get immunized , the more effective a vaccine is .
Said Woodrum , “ Immunizations can save your child ’ s life . The advancements in medical science allow children to be protected against more diseases now more than ever . Vaccination is safe and effective , each vaccine is given to children only after a long and careful review by scientists , doctors , and healthcare professionals .
“ Serious side effects to vaccination are very rare ,” she added . “ Vaccinations can help protect not only yourself and your children but also others you care about .”
Well what ’ s so bad about the measles ? Sure , getting sick is no fun , but a week home from school is hardly something a parent needs to fear .
But according to Woodrum , immunizing against diseases can prevent lifelong disabilities and serious illnesses . Even a disease like the mumps , in serious cases can cause long-term health defects like inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord . This has been shown to lead to partial deafness , which in rare cases can be permanent .
Woodrum said this is a common misconception with vaccines . Because the viruses themselves aren ’ t “ serious ,” getting vaccinated doesn ’ t matter . But Woodrum said , “ All the diseases that children are vaccinated against are serious and have the potential to cause serious illness complications and death .”
And not only today ’ s children are affected by vaccinations .
Continued Woodrum , “ By vaccinating our children , we are helping future generations . Many diseases have been eradicated worldwide by vaccination . Children who are not vaccinated can spread diseases to others , particularly to those who are too young to be vaccinated , or people with weakened immune systems , such as those with cancer and other immune diseases .”
However , not everyone is convinced of how safe vaccines are . Some of them can come with serious side effects as well , right ?
Sure there ’ s always some risk , said Woodrum , but “ vaccines are safe and effective . All medicines must go through many steps before they are approved for use . Vaccines must prove to be safe and effective at preventing the disease they target .”
And another objection to vaccines that Woodrum addressed : No , vaccines do not cause autism , and the compound blamed for causing autism , Thimerosal , has never been linked to autism or any other developmental disorder .
“ Additionally , Thimerosal has not been used in infant and childhood vaccines ,” said Woodrum .
For those concerned about what ’ s going into their child ’ s body as a result of immunizations , Woodrum said this to parents who are on the fence : “ Vaccines are highly effective ways to protect your children from life threatening and debilitating vaccine preventable diseases . Vaccines are safe and effective and have proven over time the benefit to both children and adults .”
24 • SEKY - Life in Southeast Kentucky august 2023