SEI 500 STUDY Let's Do This / SEI 500 STUDY Let's Do This / | Page 4

Key Vocabulary: (list the vocabulary which students will be expected to learn throughout the unit) Materials: (list necessary materials for the unit) Description of Lessons: (at this point this will be a very brief description of your lessons, depending on your number of group members) Assessment: (how will you assess learning? you must include an authentic assessment tool such as a rubric, checklist, etc.) Conclusion: (describe any extensions that would follow the unit) I've put together a sample unit proposal for you to take a look at (see attached). Hopefully this will help your team know exactly what's expected. Please note that my sample is not in correct APA format--it doesn't include a title page, references, citations, etc. Your proposal should cite and reference where you located standards and also cite and reference our class text at least once. Also, I did not describe all of the lessons in the unit--I figured if you saw one, you'd understand what to do. For your next draft, you will give much more detail on each lesson, but at this point I only need a brief description/paragraph for each. Please