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SEI 500 Week 3 Individual Assignment SIOP Lesson
Planning Sheet
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Attached is the planning sheet I'd like you to use for your individual
SIOP lesson plan and the rubric I will use to grade the planning
sheet. Please note that this assignment does not have to be in APA
format--simply complete the attached lesson planning sheet for the
lesson you are doing within your team's unit. Also, I've attached an
example of what a completed one might look like, and I've purposely
left my comments on it in red. This is because these are the two areas
that I've seen need revising the most (the assessment piece and stating
the type of grouping you're using). Finally, I suggest you examine some
sample SIOP lesson plans at the sites I have recommended below:
The SIOP Institute
SEI 500 Week 4 Team Assignment Continuum of Strategies