Securitas Funeral Plan v10 | Page 6
Contact Us:
For more information about the Securitas services we offer, please
contact a Securitas Advisor.
The information contained in this document does not constitute advice by
Securitas. Any legal, technical or product information contained in this
document is subject to change from time to time. This document is a
summary of features of the product. If there are any discrepancies
between this document and the contractual terms or, where applicable,
any fund rules, the latter will prevail. Securitas Financial Group (Pty) Ltd is
an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 6536). Securitas Financial
Group (Pty) Ltd 2016 ©. All rights reserved.
Please email your complaints to:
Post: PO Box 40544, Moreleta Ridge, Pretoria, 0044
Call: 012 990 5000
The Ombudsman for Long-Term insurance:
Physical address: 3rd floor, Sanclare building,
21 Dreyer street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7700
Postal address: Private Bag X 45, Claremont, 7735
Tel: +27 (0) 21 657 5000
Fax: +27 (0) 21 674 0951
Financial Services Board:
Physical address: Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, 41 Matroosberg Road
(Corner Garsfontein and Matroosberg Roads) Ashlea Gardens, Extension 6,
Menlo Park , Pretoria, South Africa, 0081
Postal address: P. O. Box 35655, Menlo Park, 0102
Toll free: 0800 110 443 or 0800 202 087
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 800
Fax: +27 (0) 012 347 0221
Underwriter Information:
Capital Alliance a division of Liberty Group Limited is the Underwriter of
this product.
Call Centre: | 0861 77 88 83
After hours: 0861 02 04 07
An Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 6536)
A division of
Securitas Financial Group (Pty) Ltd, An authorised Financial Services Provider, Reg No 1969/007682/07, FSP License no. 6536