Secret Health Tips for Pregnancy Women Secret Health Tips for Pregnancy Women | Page 7

Dive in the depths

Experts in the field say that many women assume a prior that we are able to relate better to one sex than to another. In this presumption, both the bond that the mother has had with her own parents and her upbringing stand out.

The vision of the males we may have seen, the stories we have heard, including having grown up only with sisters, among many other factors, greatly influence our current view of the world and, consequently, our desire to (in this case) have a girl. Observing these hidden threads and unraveling them will be of great help when it comes to overcoming that guilt by having wanted one sex over the other.

Trust yourself

During pregnancy, the only information we have about the baby is related to his health status and sex. Once born, Mother Nature offers us her arms. At the time of birth and the days after, women release a powerful hormone called Oxycontin, also known as " the love hormone ," which naturally generates that feeling of "falling in love" with the baby, whatever their sex.

Once outside, the mutual mother-child knowledge begins , which involves discovering not only her physical appearance, but also personality traits. During this process, feelings of guilt are overwhelmed by a hurricane of deep love for the baby, regardless of gender.

In short, it is about facing each other and not denying those emotions that emerge during pregnancy . There are no right or wrong feelings, but opportunities to know ourselves more and to inquire into our interior. It's incredible, but from the belly our children give us their light to rediscover and grow.

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