Conference Highlights
Tuesday 8:15 – 9:45 a . m . Room : Alliance 307-309
Christopher Mattson was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area where he was surrounded by innovation at an early age . After his training in mechanical engineering , he became a practicing engineer and designed multiple products used by more than 35 million people . His love for cultures has taken him to more than 45 countries to study or practice engineering design . He spent two years serving the people in the Amazon , 18 months setting up a design center in China and a year as a Fulbright Scholar at the Loughborough Design School in the United Kingdom , where he studied sustainability of engineering solutions to developing world problems . He ’ s a professor of mechanical engineering at Brigham Young University . He ’ s a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ( PhD 03 ), an inventor on multiple patents , he ’ s authored dozens of journal publications on the topics of design and optimization , and is the author of a product development text book . He is a National Science Foundation CAREER awardee ( 2009 ), and the recipient of the ASME Ben Sparks Medal ( 2015 ) for his work in engineering design education . He was honored by the White House ( President Obama ) in 2011 when he received the Presidential Early Career Award for Engineers and Scientists ( PECASE ) for his work in Engineering for Global Development .
Networking Break Times : see page 27 for details on sessions taking place in each presenting Company ’ s booth space , where for 15 minutes , experts will present solutions to your most pressing problems .
EXPERTS IN THE ROUND Wednesday 3:45 – 5:00 p . m . Room : Alliance 307 – 309
Join round table discussions with experts covering the latest information on the top issues in the membrane industry . See page 28 for a full listing of facilitators and topics .
STUDENT & YOUNG PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Student & Young Professional Networking Event Wednesday 7:00 p . m . Room : Council Boardroom
EXHIBIT HALL HOURS Tuesday 9:45 a . m .– 6:30 p . m . Noon – 1:30 p . m . ( Lunch in Hall )
3:00 – 3:45 p . m . Exhibit Hall Education Sessions & Networking Refreshment Break
5:15 – 6:30 p . m . Poster Session & Networking Reception Wednesday 9:45 a . m .– 6:00 p . m .
9:45 – 10:30 a . m . Exhibit Hall Education Sessions & Networking Refreshment Break
5:00 – 6:00 p . m . Poster Session & Networking Reception Thursday 9:00 a . m .– 1:30 p . m .
9:45 – 10:30 a . m . Exhibit Hall Education Sessions & Networking Refreshment Break
Noon – 1:30 p . m . ( Lunch in Hall )
Showcasing the latest in membrane technology and services !
See pages 23 – 26 for a detailed exhibitor list . Enjoy dedicated exhibit hours , poster sessions , Exhibit Hall Education Sessions , Tuesday and Thursday luncheons , refreshment breaks , and networking receptions – all taking place inside the exhibit hall ! The Exhibit Hall is open Tuesday 9:45 a . m . through Thursday at 1:30 p . m ., giving you plenty of time to meet with manufacturers ’ representatives , see application demonstrations , explore new technologies , and get answers to your questions about membrane products , performance , and applications .
Thursday 3:15 – 3:45 p . m . Room : Alliance 313
Join us as we close out the conference and announce the 2022 MTC Best Paper and Poster Awards .
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