#SEC4BLUEconomy24_e-Booklet 1st Int'l Conference #SEC4BLUEconomy24 | Page 14

Giovanni Cremonini
Head of the Sector for Maritime Security ( MD-PSD . SECDEFPOL . 6 . SEC1 ) European External Action Service ( EEAS )
Giovanni Cremonini is the Head of Maritime Security Sector at the European External Action Service . An EU official since 1994 , from 1998 to 2003 he was posted to Russia , where he managed technical assistance programmes , and subsequently to China , as Head of Political Section . His assignments at HQ in Brussels include : geographical Desk Officer for Armenia , Senior Policy Coordinator of the European Neighbourhood Policy , Chair of an inter-service working group on lessons from the implementation of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy , and Policy Officer for security partnerships with Asian countries .
" EU naval presence : naval operations , Coordinated Maritime Presences and annual maritime security exercises "
The EU makes a tangible contribution to maritime security through naval operations under the EU Common Security and Defence Policy . Currently , it conducts three CSDP naval operations : 1 . Operation ATALANTA against piracy around the Horn of Africa 2 . Operation IRINI to enforce the arms embargo on Libya 3 . Operation ASPIDES to protect merchant vessels in the Red Sea
Established in 2008 , as the first EU naval operation , ATALANTA now has a broader mandate to fight against blue crime , including drugs trafficking . ASPIDES is the latest EU naval operation . Directed against the attacks on merchant vessels by the Houthis , It protects maritime trade as a public good , and has a purely defensive nature . Its HQ is located in Larisa , Greece .
In addition , the EU implements Coordinated Maritime Presences ( CMP ) in two regions : 1 . Gulf of Guinea , and 2 . North-western Indian Ocean
CMP is a framework for coordination of EU Member States ’ naval and air assets in a given area . Unlike EU naval operations , under CMP Member States ’ naval assets remain under national command . CMP helps enhance the exchange of information between MS , situational awareness and cooperation at sea . It also supports efforts by coastal States to address security challenges , such as armed piracy and kidnapping for ransom , which undermine maritime security and good governance of the oceans .
In line with the Revised EU Maritime Security Strategy of October 2023 , the EU promotes annual maritime security exercises of EU Member States ’ Navies and Coast Guards , to boost preparedness and interoperability at sea . The first such exercise will take place off the Mediterranean coast of Spain at the end of May 2024 .