Seatec - International Maritime Review 1/2022 | Page 12

ficult time ”, Nõgene adds , pointing out that Tallink is about the people who make it work , every day .
Tallink Group believes that travelling will start to return to some level of normality in the next year or so , but the recovery for international transport and tourism companies will take far longer – many years after COVID , even .
“ We expect to see more regional travel for a while as travellers ’ confidence returns , but expect to see visitors from more distant shores making their way back to us again after a while , too . We , the transport and travel companies , must work to prepare for that and attract the visitors back here when the time is right – and the health dangers are behind us once again .”
MASKED CEREMONY Naturally , strict COVID-19 safety meas-
12 seatec 1 / 2022