The construction of the ship started cess to be RMC’s current operating model,
at Rauma shipyard in September 2019. The with enhanced project management and
launching of the ship will take place in extensive cooperation with the shipyard’s
the autumn of 2020. The whole shipbuild- network of partners.
ing project is worth around 120 million
This network model is based on
long-term strategic partnerships in the
The new ferry will be the first ever marine industry chain. Many of the coop-
RoPax ferry with a Clean Design class nota- erative partner corporations are strategi-
tion. The vessel will have a hybrid power cally located at the industrial park close
generation system, as well as an electric to RMC shipyard. This type of operating
propulsion system rarely used in car and model ensures flexibility and keeps fixed
passenger ferries. These innovations make expenses at a reasonable level.
the ship an exceptionally environmentally
friendly RoPax ferry.
In accordance with the operating
model, a team of experts from the ship-
The four main engines supplied by yard’s network of partners is hand-picked
Wärtsilä will run on both liquified natural for each project. RMC is then responsi-
gas and liquefied biogas. With the aid of ble for project management, finances and
this technology, emissions in the Kvarken quality assurance.
region of the Gulf of Bothnia can be
In RMC’s view, innovativeness is the
Finnish marine industry’s best asset in the
export markets. The industry’s environ-
NETWORKED OPERATIONS mental targets – to reduce carbon emis-
ENHANCE PROFITABILITY sions, for example – have created a high
Rauma Marine Constructions considers the demand for innovative thinking in ship-
main cornerstone of Rauma shipyard’s suc- building and ship design. n
seatec 2020 35