RMC will also oversee the integra-
tion of the combat systems and propul-
sion equipment for the vessels, in cooper-
ation with the system suppliers Saab and
Aker Arctic Technology Oy.
Furthermore, Wasaline’s new ferry – to be
named ’Aurora Botnia’ – is under construc-
The vessel will have
a hybrid power
generation system.
tion at RMC shipyard and will be delivered
to the operator in the spring of 2021. The sel will have a substantial positive effect the municipality of Umeå. The ferry will be
keel laying of this vessel was celebrated in on employment, totaling some 800 per- able to carry 800 passengers and will have
February 2020. son-years. a freight capacity of 1,500 lane metres
After delivery, the new ferry will oper- The new car and passenger (RoPax) for cargo. The ferry will replace the Wasa
ate between Vaasa in Finland and Umeå ferry was ordered by Kvarken Link, a com- Express, now operating between Vaasa
in Sweden. The construction of the ves- pany co-owned by the city of Vaasa and and Umeå.
seatec 2020