The centre
the company to
more accurately
communicate its
The R&A (Remote & Autonomous) Expe-
rience Space includes several interactive
tables on which Rolls-Royce can showcase
existing and future technologies while aid-
ing the development and introduction of
new rules and standards for autonomous
shipping. The Experience Space is the
second one opened. Rolls-Royce opened
the Intelligent Asset Management (IAM)
Experience Space in Ålesund Norway late
last year.
Speaking at the opening, Karno
Teno vuo, Rolls-Royce Senior Vice Presi-
dent, Ship Intelligence, assessed that the
centre allows the company to more accu-
rately communicate its capabilities – show-
casing what is available today and what
will be available tomorrow.
Tenovuo believes that the R&D Cen-
tre will be able to develop solutions capa-
ble of “smoothing the maritime industry’s
transition to the digital age,” as an auton-
omous maritime ecosystem will open up
unprecedented opportunities. Q
seatec 2/2018