development of land-based control cen-
tres, and the use of artificial intelligence
in future remote and autonomous ship-
ping operations.
Also, the expectations of the Finnish State
run rather high. In her speech at the offi-
cial opening of the Centre, Finnish Minister
of Transport and Communications Anne
Berner commented that the Rolls-Royce
The expectations
of the Finnish
State run rather high.
R&D Centre “further strengthens Finland’s is a true maritime city with a long history omous maritime future could look like,
commitment to developing autonomous of technological innovation. and work with Rolls-Royce to shape the
Also among the speakers at the future. According to Makinen, it is also
In her view, there is great global inter- grand opening, Rolls-Royce Marine Pres- noteworthy that Centre features Experi-
est in autonomous vehicles and vessels as ident Mikael Makinen said that – with ence Space, since it is vital in demonstrat-
a future means of transport. The Minister the launch of the Centre – all stakehold- ing to the customers “the very tangible
went on to add that Turku is a solid base ers, partners and customers will be able benefits of what is often considered an
of operations for Rolls-Royce since Turku see what a remote controlled and auton- intangible technology.”
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