The energy-
efficiency is
really remarkable,
“When taken all together, the
friendliness is really remarkable, even if
the ship itself uses diesel.”
“Over 200 people are participating
in our R&D efforts daily,” he says.
With considerable development mus-
cle to back them up, Sillanpää and his
cohorts can cover a range of issues, such
even if the ship BRAIN POWER as boosting building efficiency, ship safety
At Meyer Turku, Sillanpää heads an R&D and performance and the management of
itself uses diesel. team of “only” ten people, but if all devel- the supplier network.
opment teams in design & production are “In all our work today, digitalisation
taken into account, there are far more people is a powerful force, offering plenty of busi-
pushing innovation onwards at the shipyard. ness opportunities.” Q
seatec 2/2018 13