The cruise ship combines substantial redesign of the passenger spaces with a number of new iconic features.
obvious that the full weight and power According to Sillanpää, each Mein Schiff Still, New Mein Schiff 1 is a “tradi-
of the “design and innovation machine” vessel marks another step in energy effi- tional” diesel vessel. Sillanpää says that
must be brought to bear in the very begin- ciency improvement, and, with New Mein in the initial considerations, the design-
ning – the improvements and upgrades Schiff 1, Meyer Turku is making another ers looked into making the ship operate
that follow after the pilot vessel are mostly innovation leap by engineering it for a on LNG. After crunching numbers on var-
minor. 10% energy efficiency improvement (in ious alternatives, they found that they
comparison to last year’s Mein Schiff 6). could produce a cruise ship with “LNG-
GREENER SHIPS, PLEASE! New Mein Schiff 1 is also one of few cruise level” environmental friendliness by focus-
With cruise ships, environmental friendli- ships equipped with catalytic converters ing on such areas as emissions, propulsion,
ness is a big focus area and this was key for all engines, reducing nitrogen oxide waste heat utilisation, air conditioning and
also in the design of New Mein Schiff 1. emissions. lighting aboard the vessel.
seatec 2/2018