seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2011 | Page 19

Global technical excellence closer to shipowners - closer to shipyards wherever you are Visit us on: Move Forward with Confidence DIRECTOR OLLI KALJALA: “WE ARE PRIMARILY A SERVICE COMPANY” Photo: Risto Valkeapää BV classifies special vessels pecial vessels are an important clas- “S tured by STX Europe’s shipyard at Rauma. sification group for Bureau Veri- BV is also the classification authority for tas,” notes Olli Kaljala, the regional Di- other vessels produced at this shipyard; rector of BV Finland. BV is the classification namely, the maintenance vessel for off- agency, for example, for STX Europe’s ice- shore wind farms and fishing research ves- breaking towboats for the northern Caspi- sel ordered by Namibia’s Ministry of Fish- at optimising safety as standards of struc- an Sea. The vessels are constructed in Ro- eries and Marine Resources. tures and measurements are being kept at mania’s shipyards. BV’s classification is ICE “We are primarily a service compa- appropriate levels. Safety includes, for ex- Class 1A Super. Two of the vessels were ny, aiming for long term cooperation with ample, stability, structures and fire safety.” completed at the end of 2010 and three our clients. This is the best way to ensure However, Kaljala points out that in 2011. safe usage of vessels for their lifetime. We technical details are just one part of safety: BV is known for classification e.g. the passenger ferries of Tallink Silja operating are talking about 20–30 year timeframes,” says Kaljala. between Tallinn and Helsinki, which have “In all our operations, we base our to travel in icy waters. It has a long tra- herence at the inspections. This is aimed management systems of the ship owners.” actions on rules, acknowledging their ad- dition for classifying the ferries manufac- “A significant factor is the operation of vessels, which is best ensured by safety RISTO VALKEAPÄÄ seatec 2/2011 17