Locally sourced pork is a star of Cochon’s menus.
Steven Satterfield of Miller Union in Atlanta
this connection.”
Caleb Smith, chef de cuisine at Broadfield,
A Sea Island Sporting Club and Lodge, concurs, noting that the quality of locally grown
produce is a result of being harvested and
on your table in a mere matter of days. The
working garden at Broadfield supplies the
fresh produce on many Sea Island diners’
plates, an initiative that ensures members
and guests are getting the best seasonal
ingredients, as well as the most authentic
flavors of the region.
Smith’s definition of local is within an
hour’s drive, and most farms he uses to
source ingredients for the Broadfield menu
are less than 30 miles away. Evan James, who
oversees the Broadfield gardens, defines local
as within 100 miles, citing a small family farm
in Jacksonville, Fla., as the closest source for
high-quality lettuce and kale. Both Smith and
James agree th ]]\