Sea Island Life Magazine Fall/Winter 2013 | Page 33

OUT OF THE BOX Bold new ingredients, flavors and preparations are redefining holiday cuisine. BY NEAL WEBSTER TURNAGE F or those who delight in surprises when they sit down to dine, tradition can feel like monotony. Holiday dishes are as familiar as cool weather and “Jingle Bell Rock” on the radio. fortunately for food adventurists, culinary wunderkinds from coast to coast have been retooling, revising and rethinking ways to bring zing and zest to the tired conventions of humbug holiday dining. surprises are once again on the holiday menu. One-note dishes whose preparations and seasonings are as old as time immemorial have been swept aside to make way for holiday feasts of a new order. While the holiday growing movement toward locally sourced food, and the increased curiosity for feisty of imaginative chefs. Fresh Inspiration - statistics indicate that there were upwards of 7,500 registered farmers markets in the make food taste better,” Pomeroy adds. But such access comes with a caveat. “Come november, the pickings are slim. That forces you to work, to think, make last-minute menu revisions, get creative.” 32 sea isl and life | fall/WinTeR 2013/14 SI2_Holiday-e_v2-e_v3_v4-e-v5.indd 32 9/17/13 3:26 PM