Sea Country Fall 2024 Activity Guide | Page 9

Please stay for light refreshments Doors open at 10:30 am , ceremony starts at 11 am

S P E C I A L E V E N T S 9


MONDAY , NOVEMBER 11TH Join us for a Veterans Day Ceremony to honor all those who have served to protect our liberty and defend our Freedom . Includes color guard , guest speaker and Recognition of Veterans in attendance .

S p e c i a l G u e s t S p e a k e r

R I C H A R D M . K I N G

“ S e a b e e s , R e t u r n t o V i e t n a m ”

Please stay for light refreshments Doors open at 10:30 am , ceremony starts at 11 am
SEA COUNTRY SENIOR AND COMMUNITY CENTER 24602 Aliso Creek Rd ., Laguna Niguel | CityofLagunaNiguel . org | ( 949 ) 425-5151