• Understand the relationship between energy and Sustainable Development
• Understand why green energy is so important
• Answer question : o Which is the link between energy and sustainability ? o What is green energy ?
THEORY 4 : Ecomobility
• Content : o Ecomobility and sustainability ( website , videos and online materials ) TASK 4 : Know what is ecomobility and what is the relationship between mobility , pollution and sustainability .
THEORY 5 : food and biodiversity
• Content : o Food and Sustainability ( video ) o What is Biodiversity ? ( video ) o Reltionship between Food and Biodiversity ( Video )
TASK 5 :
• Understand the importance of Biodiversity and Food in relation with sustainability .
• Answer question : o What is biodiversity ? o Why biodiversity is important for food ?
THEORY 6 : rights of people
• Content : o Rights of people and Sustainable Development
TASK 6 :
• Answer question : o Which is the link between Rights and Sustainable Development ? o Is it the Sustainable Development also a right ?
THEORY 7 : Climate Change ( links to website , videos and files )
• Good practices and actions to mitigate climate change .
The teacher can use the material as a tool to use in class to introduce the the topic of sustainable development . In particular , the teacher can deliver the document to the students , in paper format or better in digital format , and decide how to use it according to their needs . It offers the possibility to be used in multiple teaching methods : from simple frontal lessons to cooperative learning , to the flipped classroom . The teacher can decide whether to let some parts of the material develop independently , either individually to each student or in a group . He can propose insights by watching the recommended videos and provide , together with the class , to the calculation of the ecological footprint of each student . There are also some interesting activity linked to the path that can be done with interdisciplinary approach with the collaboration of other teachers . Each part of the path can be accompanied by brain storming in relation to the observations that emerged . In the paper there are some questions to evaluate to evaluate the knowledge learned and their opinions on the topics covered .