SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 4

1 . Introduction - Why SdE study module to my school ?
Students and young people are our future labor force . They will determine the standards of living and define the standards for work . Our and their interest is to secure that we will have a planet where life can continue for decades and centuries . This will only be possible -by what we know today- if resources and social standards will be used wisely and we treat each other respectfully . Even though this is in the interest of the next generations , it is our task to teach students , increase their knowledge and give them tools that they can be more prepared for this new approach of using resources . This is the reason why the SdE project ’ s European partnership created a ready to use Sustainability-driven Entrepreneurship study module , by combining entrepreneurship and sustainability . The result is a toolbox for teachers with innovative contents and materials to support teachers on this task .
To implement sustainability into society , we can ’ t only rely on existing companies and their CEOs . We need innovative new entrepreneurs who can change the world of work more sustainable . Their innovative ideas can change the work processes more sustainable without lowering business goals . Because of this education and training providers must be innovative and give different kind of possibilities for students to create new ideas and innovations . Curriculums include subjects which touches entrepreneurship and sustainability but teaching sustainability in conjunction with entrepreneurship is not so common . We should support youngsters to create sustainability-driven business ideas , that they would have skills to establish such companies in the future . Now it is the right time for a new way of thinking and offer problem-solving processes for young people when they are open minded and ready for sustainability-driven future . We can ease their capability to create innovative services and products and support them to find new solutions and / or develop ways of work . As an outcome , students ’ capability to discover new opportunities grows and they will gain skills to do more sustainable business despite of the business field .
Let ’ s combine the interests of young people with the knowledge and expertise of teachers to create a new generation of sustainable entrepreneurs who really care for their employees and a sustainable development of a modern world of work . Next generations need more tools and expertise to use their knowledge and implement their innovations in the future . This is a necessity in order to achieve both a good standard of living and the smart use of natural resources .
To attain this goal , SdE study module can be the starting point ! You can support and increase your students ’ sustainable entrepreneurship by providing necessary tools for the challenges of the future . In the following pages you will discover what the study module contains and how you can implement it in your Institution .