SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 11

1 . As a team , fold as many well-flying paper airplanes as possible
A sprint consists of :
1 min . Sprint planning ( scrummaster )
3 min . Folding ( Team )
2 min . Retro – what went well , what could be better , action point ( teamleader )
1 min . Sprint planning ( Scrummaster )
etc .
2 . Rules An airplane has wings , a nose and a tail .
Each team member is allowed to make 1 fold at a time and then passes on the plane .
The productowner tests whether the planes fly 3 meters by throwing them against the wall from a distance of 3 meters .
An aircraft that has been tested is set aside on a pile of right or wrong .
An aircraft that has been tested may not be modified .
3 . Evaluation Sprint 1
Number of good / number of tested aircraft = Success %
Velocity ( number of good per minute )
Process : What went well , what could be better , action points
4 . Repeat steps 1 , 2 and 3