SdE Teachers Handbook V4 | Page 10

2.2 . Good teaching and coaching practices
Enchancing creativity in class
1 . Work with stand-ups when you start the day . When you ’ re standing it ’ s make you more active 2 . Use online brainstormtools . Change from time to time the tool that you are using 3 . Have a meeting in the open air during a walk . Fresh air in combination with walking ensures more positive conversations 4 . Search for a few worst examples , and explain why this example is so bad . Then make suggestions for improvement 5 . Use energizers to regain renewed energy after working on assignment for a while . You can find energizers online .
Teamwork activities
To be able to work better together , it ’ s good that you get to know your teammates better . The first 2 exercises will helps you with this .
The scrum method helps you cut an assignment into small pieces , giving you a better insight into what needs to be done . It also gives the opportunity to get feedback on your product earlier . Everyone in the team also gets a clear role .
1 . You have to know what kind of role you have in a team . Make the Belbin-test ( Belbin test ( thesis . nl )
2 . Pitch yourself a ) Explain yourself through 5 photos b ) Which role do you have according the Belbin test c ) Indicate what you are good at and what you want to learn 3 . A team can work with the scrum method ( Scrum - Explanation video - YouTube ) 4 . Assignment ( start when you want to work with scrum ) a ) Choose a scrummaster ( look at the belbin-roles ) b ) The teamleader makes a group of 5 or 6 members c ) One of the teammembers is responisble for the quality , the productowner . Who ’ s that ? d ) Learn in short sprints , do an evaluation and try to do better . Train this with the airplane game . Why a short sprint ? Because you get feedback very quickly . That will motivate more .