If we could summarize our philosophy it would be something like metal , that is , music as a crea ve and ludic experience , where there ’ s a transforma on of a narrowminded and homogenizing society . Nonetheless , there are compelling facets of the human being that drag us into raising our voice ; that ’ s why the underlying ac on principle of the band has the tendency to be wider than our individual interests and posi ons . As to the transna onal companies , it nothing but shocking their an ‐human and an ‐planet behavior , I mean , their corporate interests end up being above life itself . Keeping a profit rate and exercising control over precise economic issues leads them to wipe out everything around them . The issues around the pharmaceu cal transna onal companies inves ng in pallia ves rather than definite cures , and Monsanto homogenizing the edible seeds , and others priva zing the sources of water in the planet are very well acknowledged .
4 . Can you tell us about your par cipa on in the Bogota Grind Death Fest with Massacre and Dehumanized , and your presence in the Death Fest in Armenia ?
They ’ re great shows . We had the possibility to meet great amazing people , and as a fan , it was a pre y good chance to interact with first‐class acts . Here it is very important to highlight the work of the people who keep the scene alive ; and even though it can be said that it is s ll lacking many things and there has to be a change of a tude , it s ll lives despite the difficul es and promotes bands with be er level . It ’ s also worth saying that the organiza on of these fes vals has been excellent , the sound quality , the logis cs are very good , and the bands are really great !
5 . Tell us about the process to create the band logo .
It was a very interes ng process , finding an image that helps to iden fy us and keep consistency with the band , which is not an easy thing to achieve . Luckily , we found Ricardo Montenegro in our way , so we sat down , we shared some of our ideas and some elements we wanted the logo to have , and a couple of days later the result you know was just there .
6 . What is the crea ng process of the band ?
So far , we have walked two paths . Edward Barrera creates a riff , writes a song , and shares it with the others . Upon revision , and the feelings that it can generate we write the lyrics and then work on the arranging of the whole thing . The second one is the growing of an idea out of jamming .
7 . Do you have plans to record a video ?
Sure . There are plenty of plans this year . One of them is to record a video out of a live gig before releasing our record . Whatever is going on , we will keep you posted .
8 . Tell us about the lyrics of ‘ TV and Cannibal Killer .’
It was one of our first songs . The idea came from the aggressiveness of the riff , so we had to deal with an equally blunt topic that had to do with the current state of affairs in our country and what the band wanted to say . I started to revise a couple of things about that and a piece of news from the year before that , more or less four years ago , came to mind . It was about cellphone‐recorded video of some paramilitary soldiers drinking human blood from their vic ms , the impact it had on me when I saw it , and the country ’ s indifference in front of it . So I kept digging for informa on on the case and bumped into an interview with a former paramilitary soldier made by Hollman Morris , where a similar case was discussed ( the behavior was reiterated ). There came the story described in the song , in contrast with the common reac on of the society together with the mass media , that is , a total sense of passiveness and lack of reflec on in front of a huge amount of informa on passing in front of our eyes .
9 . Is there a record company interested in Round Up Ultra ?
We ’ ve had the chance to start contact with a few record companies ; however we haven ’ t reached a deal . On our behalf we want to focus on the pre‐produc on of our record to be able to se le something at the end of the process , but if anyone ’ s interested we remain ourselves open to any proposals that may come .
10 . And when do you plan to release the record ?
The idea is to have it ready by early 2015 . The sooner the be er !
11 . Any final comments ? Anything to add ?
Thanking Scum Zine for the chance to share some of the band ’ s points of view .