SCUMZINE edición #5 SCUMZINE edición #6 | Page 26

12 . Algo para añadir
Aquí les doy todas nuestros links de páginas oficiales , para que puedan escuchar nuestra música , leer más informaciones de la banda , reseñas y otras entrevistas y estar siempre informados sobre nuevos albums o shows en vivo : ‐ FACEBOOK : www . facebook . com / onicectomybrutal ‐ MYSPACE : www . myspace . com / onicectomy ‐ YOUTUBE : h p :// www . youtube . com / user / bleedingshrine ‐MERCHANDISE : www . onicectomymerch . bigcartel . com
13 . Palabras finales ….
Quiero agradecer inmensamente a toda la gente de Scum Zine por habernos dado la oportunidad de tener esta entrevista y hacer que muchos nuevos fans sepan algo de ONICECTOMY , agradecer también a todos los que se toman su empo para leer esta entrevista y a cada uno de ustedes que nos está apoyando , nos apoya o nos apoyará y toda la escena Death

Interview in Spanish and English / Entrevista en Español e Ingles


1 . How are things in the band ? Just working and ge ng the record done . We are in the preproduc on .
2 . Let ’ s talk how the band was formed and where you got the idea of the name .
Ricardo , first I want to thank you for the invita on and the chance to establish a dialogue with this important zine . The band was formed 4 years ago . Nevertheless the members of the band had experience as a band years before this band was set . When we decided to play together again we agreed not to play the old songs but to create a band to play live for the audience while making tribute to Jesse Pintado as an iconic reference for the extreme sound and us , being him a la no . So we set up 10 songs from Napalm Death , one from Terrorizer , and one from Lock up and dived ourselves into the scene ... and since we got a posi ve response from the audience we started to play our own songs and include them into the shows to this day that we play only our songs and le the covers aside As to the name of the band , the idea came up from a research I was doing years ago , while revising texts about the effects of glifosato on human health and over specific popula ons living in areas of fumiga on with this chemical as a method to control illegal crops in Colombia , a er checking this informa on and watch some documentaries on the topic we agreed on a common perspec ve regarding poli cal and ecological terms and decided to name the band Round‐Up ultra ( Round Up is the commercial name for the glifosato produced by Monsanto , and Round Up Ultra is the name of the mix used to fumigate our forests and jungles in Colombia ). What we pretend is to have possibility to spread informa on related to this and to raise awareness about this problema c these issues , that so o en are not quite acknowledged by many of us .
3 . Tell us about the philosophy behind Round Up Ultra . What ’ s your view on transna onal companies and corpora ons ?
Besides being a crea ve manifesta on of humankind , to us music is a channel of communica on . For that reason , we try to feed ourselves permanently from lots of things so we can turn all that into our sound and lyrics .