SCUMZINE edición #5 SCUMZINE edición #6 | Page 18

6 ‐ ¿ Cómo son los conciertos de la banda ?
Durante un concierto en Indonesia es muy bueno y los escenarios internacionales , incluso se puede decir que son los mejores en el con nente de Asia . Con el " Fes val de Sonic Hammer ".
7 ‐ ¿ Cuáles son tus películas favoritas ?
Nos gusta ver a algunos conciertos de metal muy grande y magnífico ja‐ja Lol
8 ‐ ¿ Cuál ha sido la respuesta de los fans y pulse demostración extrema ?
Ellos están muy contentos y sa sfechos de escuchar nuestras canciones , aún con núan apoyándonos para que podamos terminar el álbum , y algunos de ellos quieren tener un quickfast de nuestro álbum
9 ‐ ¿ Qué planes de futuro ?
Con nuar para sobrevivir y compromiso con lo que hacemos y producir . Con nuaremos esforzándonos para ser mejor y " salir al exterior " porque tenemos un sueño que nuestro mejor trabajo puede ser recordado por todos los empos , hasta que nuestros nietos sabían .
10 ‐ Revisión Final
Muy bien , gracias hermano Saludo INFITAR Indonesia Death Metal si kalaian queremos saber más , por favor haga clic aquí : h ps :// www . facebook . com / infitar . official ? ref = br _ rs h p :// youtu . be / j9IUFSvoS14 Póngase en contacto con nosotros : La f _ infitar @ hotmail . com ¡ Salud !


Here , Ricardo Bedoya , SCUMZINE magazine , how are all in the band ? And what are the expecta ons of HOLOCAUSTUM ?
Shawna : The Band is doing good Ricardo , ge ng ready to enter the studio to record our 2nd album " In The Fields They Bled ", which we expect will be out this October 2014 . We are looking forward to promo ng and playing shows in support of the new album . Really glad to be working with both Horror Pain Gore Death Produc ons & Dark Horizon Records for this release !
1 ‐ What happened a er the release of the CD " CRAWLING THROUGH THE FLAMES OF DAMNATION "?
Shawna : A er we released the 1st CD " Crawling Through The Flames of Damna on ", we played some shows in support of the album , then parted ways with drummer Jeff Mhaghnuis and started wri ng the 2nd album " In The Fields They Bled ".
2 ‐ Tell us about " CRAWLING THROUGH THE FLAMES OF DAMNATION ", And where was the recording and mixing of this work ?
Shawna : The album " Crawling Through The Flames of Damna on " was recorded and released in the winter of 2011 by Dark Horizon Records . The lyrics for that album are based upon different aspects of death . Everywhere from being murdered and having a near death experience to dying for religious beliefs and the deaths that are caused from the abused addic ons that so many face in the world today . The first album was recorded & mixed by Lord Typhus at his DHR recording studio , the mastering was done by Nacht at Oblitaural Studio .
3 ‐ What can you tell us the art or cover art ? And what is the meaning of this item ?
Shawna : The art for the album " Crawling Through The Flames of Damna on was done by ar st " Plamen Kolvec . The band was looking for an Ar st in the winter of 2010 to work with on our 1st CD . Plamen had contacted us with a link to some of his artwork and we really liked his style . We then had asked him if we gave him some ideas if he would work on a cover for us .
Holocaustum is a la n term for " Burnt Offering " , so we came up with the idea of a lake of fire with people dying and suffering to go along with what the lyrics and tle of the album are about , as well as the meaning of the band ' s name .