SCUMZINE edición #5 SCUMZINE # 7 MAG 2017 | Página 11

8 What kind of issues playing live ? I mean what is your set , and if they touch some version .
[ I ' m not really sure what you mean exactly ] We don ' t have that much issues playing live ( besides your ordinary technical problems once in a while ). Some mes the hard part is the fact that we have two women on guitar . People are more skep cal about women playing the guitar and therefore some mes the crowd is a li le layed-back . They first have to see it before they actually see that we play very well . And of course your once-in-a-while marriage proposal you get shouted from the crowd is a li le distrac ng too haha . But overall , we have li le trouble playing shows .
9 What is the way to wri ng material in the group ?
Before the big line-up change in 2013 , we wrote the songs at home . We would write them in guitar pro and take them to the rehearsal room to fine-tune them . When Henri and Michiel joined us for this album , we took another road . All the songs were wri en in the rehearsal room . Of course we had enough riffs and other parts thought of at home , but the songs were put together in the rehearsing room . That way , everybody could interact with the songs and put in their own ideas .
10 How do I get to get your current contract with Metal Blade ? And what is your opinion belong to this label ?
A er we recorded ' The Deceived ' we decided not to release it un l we found a record deal that would fit the album and the band . We have been around since 2006 and we gained a lot of contacts as you can imagine . We send the album to different kind of record labels and Metal Blade came with the best offer for ' The Deceived '. So far , Metal Blade has been great . They really take their me with you as a musician and as a band . We are very honored to be a part of the Metal Blade family .
11 What are your influences ? In music , literature and film , what inspires them most ?
We can get inspired by a lot of things , but most of all history . We like to write about strange and weird events that took place . For example the song ' Stone breakers rising '. We where inspired during a trip in Ireland at stonebreakers yard ( Kilmainham jail ) where several execu ons of leaders of the 1916 Easter Risings took place . But we are also inspired by more current events . The lyrics are always wri en in mul ple points of views , so that people can get their own interpreta on of the songs and lyrics . Musically every band member has different influences . For example I ' m more inspired by black and symphonic metal and Sonja loves the old school bands . We combine everything together into Dictated .
12 How is a Dictated concert ?
Playing shows is my favorite ac vity of all although I will always be sick before them haha . We want to give the audience a punch in the face during a live gig . We don ' t play super technical metal where you have to focus so hard to keep up the beat as a fan . Instead , we want to involve the people who come to see us and interact with them as much as we can . We want to see the people go crazy and let them forget about every day life problems . We want them to be reloaded again a er a Dictated show .
13 What differen ates this album " SUMMARY OF RETRIBUTION " in the process of crea ng the issues concerned ? And how long have you wri ng and recording this album ?
As I said before , SOR was a great learning experience . We recorded at home so of course you will have a lot of issues . Lost guitar tracks , technical problems an finding the me to create this album besides our jobs / schools . When you get into a studio , you have to be prepared and have everything worked out in details . SOR took a longer me to record than the new album .
14 What are the main differences between " SUMMARY OF RETRIBUTION " Y " The Deceived "?
In one word ? Everything . As I said before , ' Summary of Retribu on ' was a huge learning process , which we used for ' The Deceived '. The albums differ in music , sound , artwork and is in my opinion a lot more suitable for what Dictated stands for .
16 How were ini ated with Jessica and Sonja music with the guitar ?
Sonja and me already played the guitar when we started Dictated in 2006 . But we never played in band forma on . Everything we had learned so far was useless when you start playing together . So we started playing more together and got to know each other ' s musical influences , style and strengths .
17 Something I want to add , thanks for answering this interview , Final comment ?
We want to thank you and our fans that took the me for this interview !


Aquí Ricardo Bedoya de la revista SCUMZINE , ¿ cómo son las cosas en la banda ?
Hola Ricardo , muchas gracias por tomarse el empo para hablar con nosotros ! Las cosas están muy bien !
Vamos a empezar hablando de cómo se formó la banda , nos cuenta la historia ?
Por supuesto ! La banda fue formada en 2006 por Sonja y yo ( Jessica ). A ambos nos gusta el Death Metal y los dos tocamos la guitarra , así que quería escribir nuestra propia música . Miembros de la banda pronto se encontraron y de inmediato comenzaron a escribir y grabar . Las crí cas fueron muy prometedoras y nos realizamos un montón de grandes espectáculos . En 2010 grabamos nuestro primer álbum de larga duración " Summary of Retribu on " y justo después de eso , las cosas realmente despegaron para DICTATED . En 2013 , hemos tenido un año di cil . Realmente necesitábamos para grabar nuestro nuevo álbum y todos los miembros de la banda ( a excepción de Sonja y yo ) salieron de DICTATED para centrarse en su vida personal y otras bandas . Así que allí estábamos , solo nosotras dos . Durante ese empo nos pusimos en contacto con Henri Sa ler ( God Dethroned ) y nos inspiran para con nuar con la banda y obtener un nuevo álbum . Tiramos todo a un lado y comenzó a escribir nuevo material junto con Henri y Michiel vd Plicht ( God Dethroned ). En cuanto a York se unió DICTATED , estábamos todo de nuevo !