SCUMZINE edición #5 scumzina magazine | Page 35

. Both bands had new material wri en and had recorded demos of the newer songs , so we just put them on one CD as a split . It was more like a split demo .
9 - What happened in the band 9 years in silence ? A lot has happened in the last 9 years ! In 2004 , right a er we recorded “ Suffocated In Shrinkwrap ” Jason went into the marines for 4 years . While he was gone , we wrote most of the material for “ Documentaries Of Demen a .” Jason returned in 2008 and we started
playing shows to promote “ Suffocated In Shrinkwrap ,” since we played no live shows before he le , so we were s ll promo ng “ Shrinkwrap ” un l about 2010 . Since 2010 , we ' ve had a few lineup changes , and now have Phil Good on bass , and Jimmy Javins on Vocals . We played a few more shows with the new lineup , and then started the recording process at the beginning of 2012 , and basically took that en re year to get the album totally recorded , mixed and mastered . So here we are in 2013 , the new album will be out in just a few short months and we ' re now p l a y i n g l i v e s h o w s a n d sta r n g to p r o m o te “ Documentaries Of Demen a .”
Even though me and Tony started Regurgita on in 1995 , I always considered Regurgita on to be me , Tony , Brian , and Dan , and when Brian and Dan weren ' t in the band anymore we decided to change the name because the sound was much different .
11 - Tell us about the metal fes val where you par cipated in the U . S .? And did you experience ?
We ' ve played Central Illinois Metalfest , Evansville Deathfest , Akron Deathfest , Mayhem In May , and New Jersey Deathfest . All were great shows and we had a killer me ! Fests are always great !
12 - How do you see the world scene today ? And what bands you like to hear now ?
The scene has changed a lot over the years , but in a lot of ways it ' s the same . Everything is s ll maximum brutality for me , it ' s just newer bands playing it . But everybody at shows are s ll cool as fuck , and it ' s the only place I can go where I know nobody is gonna be offended and weak . I would say bands are just as brutal as ever , but the level of musicianship and crea vity and originality has definitely gone down . S ll a ton of good shit out there though ! Bands I been listening to a lot lately are Euphoric Defilement , Defeated Sanity , Antropofagus , Septycal Gorge , Putridity , Cerebral Effusion , Vulvectomy , Cephalotripsy , and I always keep a good amount of older stuff in circula on too …
13 - Tell us about the scene in Columbus ?
Not much of a scene to speak of in Columbus unfortunately , besides Fetus Omelet and Bloody Obstetric Technology I don ' t know of any other BDM bands . There ' s too many gay faggots in Columbus for it to have a good scene for brutal music I guess …
14 - What do you know about the Colombian scene ?
I know there are a few bands there , like Carnal Blasphemy . I hope more brutal people from Columbia get in touch with us !!!!!
15 - What are the band ' s plans to promote the new album ?
Play live shows as much as we can , and put out a lot of killer merch !!!
16-What are your favorite movies of B , serial Killers or zombies ?
I don ' t really watch movies , but I ' m into serial killers a lot ! That ' s pre y much the concept of our new album . Each song is about a different serial killer / torturer / rapist . The intro for the album was created from the actual audio recording David Parker Ray use to play for his vic ms before he tortured , raped , and killed them . “ Conceived For Incest ” is about Fred and Rosemary West , who had kids