1 - Here Ricardo Bedoya of SCUMZINE ( Colombia ), how things are going for NECROTIC DISGORGEMENT ?
Things are great ! The new album is finally done and out of our hands , so it ' s great to be ac ve again !
2 - Let ' s talk about new work " DOCUMENTARIES OF DEMENTIA "? And how is the process of recording and mixing the album ?
Our guitarist Tony recorded the album , so essen ally we did it ourselves . It worked out really good that way because we had total control over the en re process of the album and was able to get everything crystal clear and make sure every li le detail is heard and everything sounds exactly like it ' s suppose to . We recorded drums at our jam room in 1 day , and everything else was recorded at Tony ' s home studio , The Metal Foundry , throughout 2012 .
I think we ' re on the 4 pressing , so close to 4,000 I think . The response was really good , probably be er than we expected … Main complaint about Suffocated In Shrinkwrap was obviously the raw produc on . That album was just recorded bad , both by the engineer and us … We were really fucked up during the recording of that disc , we should ' ve called it “ Intoxicated In Shrinkwrap .” Haha !
5 - What changes can we hear in this work " DOCUMENTARIES OF DEMENTIA "?
Well definitely the produc on is much be er this me around since we actually took our me and did it ourselves and did it right . I would say it ' s much more polished sounding , definitely a lot easier to follow than “ Shrinkwrap ,” but at the same me it ' s more brutal too . I think it ' s a much more focused album , good catchy song structures and riffing , and pummeling drums !!! It ' s definitely the best album we ' ve ever done …
7 - Who are the main songwriters of the band ? And how is the work of musical composi on ?
3 - What will cover , what is the cover of the new CD and Who does it ?
The cover is in the process of being done right now . Actually we ' re expec ng to get the final artwork and booklet design anyday now . Phlegeton Art Studio is doing it …
4 - How were things on sale CD " SUFFOCATED IN SHRINKWRAP "? And how was the response from fans and the press extreme ?
Me and Tony wrote all the songs on guitar , then we show them to Jason and he writes all the drums . I wrote pre y much all the lyrics …
8 - Tell us about the band Split with HEINOUS KILLINGS ? Me and Jason and Brian Baxter , who was our bassist / vocalist at the me , were also jamming in Heinous Killings .