SCUMZINE edición #5 scumzina magazine | Page 11


Here RICARDO BEDOYA of SCUMZINE How are things going with the band ? Things with the band are going really good right now . We are keeping busy !!

1-Let ' s talk about new CD " THE ZERO ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTENCE ", how was recording and mixing ? And how was the response from fans and press ? The Acceptance of Zero Existence was a great me to record and mix . I was the audio engineer that did all of the tracking and mixing , so it was pre y relaxed . I also got to mix a couple of the songs differently because I felt they had a different mood . It seems that most fans and press really like the new material we put out . We went a different direc on with it , so I ' m glad people like it . 
 2 - What does the cover of " ZERO THE ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTENCE "? And how was the process of crea on with TONY
KOEHL ? It was great working with Tony Koehl because he knew exactly where I wanted to go with the concept . The art is a path that leads you to your fate that you have no choice but to accept . At the same me you have to look at what ' s happening to the others and realize you won ' t exist any longer at this certain point .
3 - What is the significance of the tle of the new album " ZERO THE ACCEPTANCE OF EXISTENCE "? The Acceptance of Zero Existence takes you into a dark realm where you are accep ng your own faults , fears , addic ons , death ; basically facing the reality that everyone has a darker side to themselves , and they should embrace it and even worship it . That ' s the short answer
4 - Who are the main composers of EXECRATION ? And how is the wri ng process ? Myself ( Kevin Elrod ) and Jerred Houseman did most of the songwri ng for this album , while Wya did the lyrics . Brian joined the band just in me to write one as well . The wri ng process goes very smooth with all of the current members . A few things I ' ll write on guitar and they can play and record it , but most things we sit down and play as a band while we write . Jerred and Brian are maniacs with guitar riffs , and keep bringing more all the me !!

5 - What can you say about the current alignment ? And tell us about the two new members ? The current lineup is the best that Execra on has ever had . Brian came from a strong background of guitar playing , experimen ng with a lot of different technical styles within extreme metal . Ian has a background mostly in grind . He is a great bass player , and also is awesome on guitar . Both of these guys are already making their contribu ons towards the next album !!