SCUK Amendments to Workshop Organiser | Page 12

4 Delegates  There must be no fewer than six and no more than 25 delegates per workshop, with the exception of the ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ suite of workshops where the maximum is 20, and ‘Keeping Safe in Sport: Safeguarding for Young Volunteers (13+)’ where the maximum is 16. If more than the maximum number of delegates attend a workshop, an additional charge will be made. The workshop organiser must confirm the final number of delegates no less than 5 working days before the workshop date. If the minimum number of delegates cannot be met the workshop should be cancelled unless agreed otherwise with the Workshop Booking Centre. See sections 7 and 8 of the Terms and Conditions for details on cancellation. The Workshop Organiser must ensure that the delegates have the relevant prior knowledge/experience before attending the workshop. Please contact the Workshop Booking Centre for guidance. Any delegate arriving 15 minutes or more after the start of the workshop will not be permitted to stay. The strongly recommended minimum age for delegates is 16 years. For the ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children’ suite of workshops, the delegates must be aged over 16 years. Delegates under 16 will not be certificated. Delegates are not permitted to consume alcohol before or while attending a workshop. The tutor will ask the delegate to leave the workshop if they are found doing so.         5 Resources    All resource orders must be received no less than 5 working days before the workshop date in order for delivery to be guaranteed. The workshop organiser must supply at least 1 resource per delegate attending the workshop. Resources will be sent by a courier and will require a signature. This order will be considered as deli vered successfully once a signature is received. Workshop paperwork (Administration Pack including attendance forms) will be dispatched with the workshop resources. The workshop organiser is responsible for ensuring that the resources and Administration Pack are available for the tutor at the venue. The Workshop Booking Centre does not accept any returns for unused resources. A postage and packing fee will be charged for each resource order dispatched. 6 Certificates  Certificates are sent directly to the delegates after the workshop, providing the attendance register is completed. Certificates may take up to eight weeks from the workshop date to arrive (providing that the tutor returns the paperwork within two weeks). The workshop organiser should ensure that participants are aware of this lead time. The Workshop Booking Centre will deal with queries relating to certificates after eight weeks have passed. Delegates who do not receive a workshop certificate should contact the Workshop Booking Centre before six months have elapsed since the workshop date. If more than six months have elapsed, a charge will be made of £5 per certificate. Replacement certificates will only be issued up to three years after the workshop has run, and a charge of £5 will be made per certificate.         10