This autumn : First steps to instructing

LOOKING TO PROGRESS YOUR DIVING ambitions this autumn , or would like to get more involved in your club ? Then taking the first step onto the instructor ladder could take your BSAC experience to the next level .
BSAC currently has a range of instructor training courses listed online for the autumn / winter season , all perfectly timed for you to make the most of the diving year ’ s ‘ downtime ’. From the ever-popular Instructor Foundation Course ( IFC ) through to Open Water Instructor , there ’ s also opportunities for divers with other agency instructor qualifications to ‘ crossover ’ to BSAC instructor teaching methods . For Sports Divers and above , the first step into instructing is the two-day IFC . On completion , members can then contribute to their club ’ s training as an Assistant Diving Instructor . The IFC is also a good reason for Ocean Divers to complete their Sports Diver grade , as not only can you assist in teaching others , but you ’ ll learn more about and appreciate your own diving too .
BSAC ’ s ITS coordinator , Jen Mooney , said she hoped to see more Ocean Divers and Sports Divers making the most of the chance to progress to instructor over the winter .
“ The IFC is one of BSAC ’ s most popular courses and is the ideal way to start your journey to instructor . It also enables members to directly contribute to their club and help bring on new divers , which can be so rewarding .”
For more information on instructing with BSAC , go to bsac . com / instruct Or , to find and book onto a relevant instructor training course near you , go to bsac . com / events

Become an Instructor Trainer

ADVANCED INSTRUCTORS LOOKING TO become instructor trainers can now complete BSAC ’ s new one-day Instructor Trainer Development Course ( ITDC ).
Usually held over two days , BSAC is piloting a one-day ITDC , meaning participants can pre-study via eLearning before the event . The two pilot events are scheduled for 9 November ( Solihull ) and 7 December ( Dartmouth ).
Completion of the ITDC is the foundation step for members to teach on the Instructor Training Scheme . The ITDC introduces the elements needed to successfully teach BSAC instructor courses . It is designed to develop your skills to enable you to observe and to be inducted to teach on events leading to Open Water Instructor , the IFC , OWIC and PIE / TIE .
Volunteering as an Instructor Trainer is immensely rewarding , and getting involved in regional training can help members to bring on the next generation of BSAC instructors , from assistant instructors and above .
To book a place on the scheduled oneday ITDCs , go to bsac . com / events
For more information on the Instructor Trainer Development Course , email Jenny at bookings @ bsac . com
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