Scribes with Scrolls Scroll 4 | Page 14

Our marriage was under attack from every enemy direction. Stress-filled phone calls with insurance. Sleeping apart due to the nature of the sling and how still he had to keep his arm. A growing weary wife who had to take care of three people, the house, the bills, the meals.

The book haunted me, and Satan used it to widdle my confidence into doubt.

The ominous shadow of fear loomed over my pillow at night.

What if I can’t write the book? What if I can’t do as God asked?

After a couple months, my husband returned to light duty. I returned to my time with Our Lord. Only no words were coming for the book.

Here’s my chance. Why can’t I write?

On a meditative prayer walk, the still small voice of Our mighty God whispered Surrender.

I knew I had been way off track, worrying and grasping for some sense of control. This was the old Julie, the one who wanted perfect results and sought to control things.