thank her and furnished her house with beautiful hand carved furniture that he made. She has taken in orphans and is raising them.
As you can see in the picture stickers are the currency of love with the kids. They would put them on their arms and heads. OK, even with some adults.
Dave and Suzette Munson, were the team leaders on this mission trip. They have sponsored several children with Africa New Life. While there the team went to several home visits and some house visits.
A home visit is where the sponsor family of a child gets to meet the child and their family,take gifts, and a bag of rice and the same with flour. On one home visit the family had sent a picture to their sponsor child family, they love pictures and will pray for you if they have your picture, the mom had studied that picture so much that she was able to recognize the mother of the sponsor family and everyone else in that family. It was like a long lost reunion for that mom. Their sponsorship provides them with food, medical care and the child that they sponsor can go to school.
On a hope visit the team met families that were hoping to get a sponsor for their child on these visits the team would make a video sharing about the child and post it on the churches Facebook Page. Within minutes the child in the video would have his/her sponsor. On one of these visits the team had to walk down a steep hill to a house. Near this house is where the sewer runs. When the team asked the dad for a prayer request, he said all he wanted was to be able to move his family up the hill a little bit away from the sewer. As they were hiking back up the hill one of the team members couldn't stand it and decided right then he would take that child as another child to sponsor.