of patients in one day, along with many other
things, along with many other things.It is not
the easiest job to do.
Nurse Practitioners
Nurse practitioners help people by prescribing
medicine, but that isn’t all! Nurse practitioners
work in a specialty. For example, they may
work in adult health. Different specialties do
different things. One group they may work in is
head-neck cancer.
You have probably heard of doctors. When
you’re at a doctor’s appointment, or when you
get sick you may go see a doctor. Doctors are
very important and well heard of. Hopefully,
you have seen a doctor.
For example, they can work in dermatology,
oncology, neurology, or pediatric child health.
Although they work in many different groups,
they are still nurse practitioners.
Nurses may not seem important, but they are.
They prescribe medicine. Unlike doctors, nurse
practitioners do not do surgery. They are a big
part of their patient's life, because who else
would prescribe their medicine? Without
nurses, the medical field would not be nearly
as good. It is not easy work to be a nurse.
Although it may not seem to hard, you have to
go to nursing school to become a nurse
practitioner. It may not be as easy you think. To
be a good nurse practitioner, you should be
friendly so you’r patients like you and be able to
have a cramped schedule when you have a lot
Surgeons at work on a patient.
For nurse practitioner Heidi Mason, her first choice for her profession
wasn’t a nurse practitioner. When asked if this was her first pick for a
job Heidi Mason replied, “No, I was going to be a journalist because I
liked writing. My dad told me to pick a profession where I could make
money, but I’m glad I became a nurse practitioner!!” Do you wonder
what inspired her to take this path instead of doing another job that
made money? “Well, I was a nurse at first, and I wanted to go back to
school so I could take care of patients and be part of the decision
making process.” Good thing she choose to be a nurse practitioner,
because she’s a good one!
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A nurse taking somebody’s
blood presser.