Brendan Hish
When settlers went through Death
Valley, California, they were probably
expecting to find a plain with very little life at
all.Well they were wrong! Every year, hundreds
of people visit Death Valley National Park.
This is because of Death Valley’s environment,
life, and sights. Death Valley is very different
than other national parks.First we learn about
the environment.
A sign showing how deep Badwater Basin is in
feet and in meters.
The first section in this article is
probably the amazing one. That some place far
from the equator gets low rain. Death Valley
gets fraction of the amount of rain a desert
Death Valley has the lowest elevation in
North America. In fact, it’s the lowest land
area in the world. Also, the lowest place in
Death Valley's Badwater Basin. It is 282 feet
below sea level.To learn more learn more
about the environment keep reading.
Death Valley is the hottest place in
North America. The reason for this is simple.
Warm air rises and because Death Valley is
surrounded by mountains,it comes back down.
That’s why Death Valley is hot all the time.
Just like heat, Death Valley is the driest
place in North America. However,it floods in
Death Valley when it snows in the mountains
and the snow melts. The driest period was
from 1931 to 1934. In that time Death Valley
got 0.64 inches of rain.
After hearing about the environment, you’re
probably wondering about where you can go.
One place you might want to go in Death
Valley's Furnace Creek. Furnace Creek is not a
creek. It’s a ranch!! It’s also in the heart of
Death Valley.At Furnace Creek, there is a
general store and saloon
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