Scovone Star Magazine 2015-2016 | Page 54

WOLVES, DOGS, WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? In the years that wolves have been around, they have died out or almost died out in most places. Wolves once lived throughout the United States but then people started killing them, great. For instance, dog’s don't see color as well as humans can. For example for dogs the color red is the same as green except a bit darker. And puppies aren't that different ( although because of this, in some places, wolves protected by the law. The reason farmers and ranchers kill wolves is because they eat their livestock. Places that wolves still live are, Europe, North America, and Asia. All this for an animal that maybe once in a they’re younger )! Puppies grow and change very quickly so they get heavy very quickly. In fact the heaviest dog in the world is 343 pounds! And they don’t change at night. Speaking of night, dogs see best at night! When they do sleep, some dogs snore! hundred years kills a human. Dogs galore Now enough about wolves ( for now ) let’s talk about dogs! Have you ever thought that there's more to dogs than the eye can see? If you have then you're right! If not it’s true, it’s really true! Some things you can tell from eyesight for From reading this article you should know that wolves and dogs are more similar than you might think, and be more comfortable around wolves if you weren't before. “Wolves are kind and loving smart animals.” say’s Chuck Gilcrease ( a wolf trainer ) .What do you think? example. Bull dogs often have shorter lives while the miniature dachshund lives 14 years. This is because shorter dogs live longer, so do dogs that look like wolves, but no one knows why . The oldest dog in the world was 30 years old, when he died, I’m guessing he was either a really short dog or he was closely related to wolves. No matter how long the dog lives he is always loyal to his owner. He even barks when intruders are near! And to do that that they must have great hearing, well they do! In fact they have much better hearing than humans, but that doesn't mean that all of their other senses are – 54 – This is an Arctic Fox ( probably calling out to its mom ) don't get it confused with a wolf!