Aliviya Jenkins
The Amazing Wonder of Cats
Did you know that there are a lot of amazing
things that cats like cats love to hide. Cats love to
sleep a lot and play all the time.There are a lot of
things don’t like, like cats don’t like to be teased.
a cat you should get that so that it will keep them
There are a lot of things cats like to do. Cats like
to play outdoors. They can chase after
birds,squirrels,and chipmunks. There are a lot of
stuff that cats can do outdoors. Don’t let your
cat out doors only let them look out the window
because there are lots of dangerous outside like
disease like: Feline leukemia, feline AIDS (FIV),FIP,
feline distemper,and upper respiratory.
Cats really like to eat. They will eat anythings
that smell good like salmon bacon and other type
of fish and chicken and gravy. Cats really like
treats so don't leave it out in the open because
they will eat it. Cats love salmon to.
Cats like certain plants like ferns and cats nip
because evan though it makes cats crazy and
some even get drugged around catnip but it’s not
a drug.It’s actually a herb that belongs to the mint
family. When leaves are broken it releases a type
of chemical that most cats respond to. If you have
Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours a day.Cats usually curl
up when they sleep. Some people think there cat
is dead because they just sleep all the time.
There are many things cats don’t like. Female cats
don’t like to be in the sun, Their skin is not used
to the heat of the sun so they don’t like going
outside when it’s really hot out.
Cats do not like to be teased. because if you
have a treat and don’t give it to them then they
become upset. because they feel like they're going
to get a treat but then they find out they're not
getting anything.
Cats don’t like to be scared. Because they
can get hurt by running away and if you have the
door open your cat could run away and you don’t
want that to happen. If your cat get scared and
runs away they can die.
You need to know how to take care of your
cat. You need to know not to leave human food
out in the open. Your cat will eat it and they could
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