Scovone Star Magazine 2015-2016 | Page 49

The Deep-Sea Monster

them . Now scientists are trying new ways to find them . Long ago , the giant squid inspired very fascinating and interesting stories that may even be scary ! Even in literature , giant squid have been thought as a sea monster ! For example , if you go sailing , you might see one and think it ’ s a monster . Because they are rarely seen , scientists don ’ t know much about the giant squid . Because of that , they are rarely studied . Even if they were seen , the giant squid has never been seen near other animals , although they usually wash up on shores . That ’ s how scientists usually study them .
Many scientists are still studying giant squid , and here is a quote from one of them . Research biologist Thomas P . Gilbert of Denmark says , “ Giant squid are an example of a species which are SO hard to study using normal methods , because of the facts that we only ever find them dead / dying , as those that are living deep in the ocean , thus very hard to get any information so I was attracted to the idea that using DNA methods we might be able to gain insights into them as a species . No one has caught them successfully when they attempt to . Most of them are simply found floating on the sea surface as they are dying or occasionally they wash up on beaches , or get caught in fishing nets .”
The mantle , radula , eyes , arms , and tentacles are all important parts of their body that can do amazing things . Living so deep below the water makes it so fascinating to learn more .
This is a giant squid being caught on camera by a diver .
Of course , giant squid are one of the largest animals in the sea . Can you believe how large they are ? Being 60 ft long is as long as a bowling lane !
This is Thomas Gilbert , from Denmark . He is now a research biologist studying giant squid .
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