Hello(formal): Buna ziua!
Hello(informal): Buna!
Hello(on the phone): Alo!
Goodbye: La revedere!
Good morning: Bună dimineața!
Good evening: Bună seara!
Good night: Noapte bună!
Thank you: Mulţumesc!/Merci!
You are welcome: Cu plăcere!
How are you: Ce faci?
Fine: Bine!
My name is...: Numele meu este...
Cheers!(toasts when you drink): Noroc!
Excuse me: Scuze!
Please: Te rog!
Yes: Da!
No: Nu!
Still water: Apă Plată
Sparkling water: Apa Minerala
One beer, please!: O bere, vă rog!
Ce faci?
Usual Romanian Phrases
In Romania, most of the young people speak English, and you shouldn’t be surprised if you will meet a lot of adults who do it too. However, these are some useful phrases that can help you sound a little more Romanian: