Sponsor :_______________________________
Southcentral Katahdin Hair Sheep Association Membership Form
Date : _______________________ New Member Dues Attached ($ 20.00 )
Renewal Dues Attached ( due Jan 1st )
Dues & renewals are $ 20.00 per year when paid before January 31 . Renewals- a $ 5.00 fee is due if paid after January 31 in order to be re-instated . One vote per membership .
SCKA invites you to visit our website : http :// www . hair-sheep . com
• SCKA will help you design a World Wide Web page for $ 125.00
• Each year thereafter with up to 5 changes will only be $ 100.00
• To link your own web page to SCKA is only $ 45.00 annually
• 1st Year Web Design & Web Page ________ ($ 125.00 )
Web Page ________ ($ 100.00 ) Web Link ________ ($ 45.00 ) Please PRINT name and address exactly as you would like it to appear on SCKA records and website . Membership Name ( s )____________________________________________________________ Farm / Ranch Name P . O . Box or Street
_____________________________________________________________ City , State , Zip Code ______________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________________________________ Fax
_________________________________________________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________________________________________ Web address ____________________________________________________________________
Please Mail your check and completed form to : SCKA – Treasurer
Melissa Baxley
1678 County Rd 19 South Samson , AL 36477
updated : July 5th , 2013