SCIORTS 1 | Page 8

odybuilding is a relatively modern sport. The sport flourished socially in the

1990's and it gained a lot of spectators and fans. Moreover, bodybuilding is well thought of as everyone sport as it’s directly related to being healthy. However, with the revolution in the sport and the tremendous increase in competition level, bodybuilders began to vigorously use steroids, as they were required to appear in incredible shape and physique in order to impress the judges and to win the tournaments. Later, the social mass media focused on these champions, and started over-praising them and addressing them as heroes. That excessive praise was the inception of the idea of body image and perfect body in the upcoming generations’ mind. Furthermore, by the increase of bodybuilding role models and celebrities with astonishing physiques, a comparison was made by the publics between their physiques and their role models’ physiques.

But lets take a closer look on how did the idea of bodybuilding and muscle growth started? And how can we proof that gym and science are related together as many people claim that they are not related.

Science was behind what caused the flourish and the discovery of a growing muscle. People started to notice how could muscle grow when they do any actions that cause the muscle to contract and relax, by time, they found that for every muscle there is many exercises that can make a muscle grow. People then started to study these facts and do experiments and research. They started following the scientific checklist in order to know whether it could be classified as a science or not.

They found that it follows the scientific checklist. Even by common sense, the machines that a person works his muscle on, it is made with a high accuracy, specific height and a special technique to follow for every muscle. Of course all of these are not done by random or by coincidence. Experts are the ones who built up these machines.


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Gym &
