Scifun #2 | Page 6

The Linnaean Society has now began their meeting in a grand court in our delightful city of London. I see someone has bought some pastries and a few cups of tea have begun to make their way throught the bunch of us. It also seems like it's beginning to be a warm summer, it being the 1st of July. Now, seeing that the world is beginning to open up Darwin is here to show us apperently something that will change the way we see the world today. He proposes that 'evolution' as he calls it tells us why animals and such look the way they do. According to Darwin, evolution is the change over time in a living object. Now his theory is that evolution occurs by natural selection. Natural selection is the timely process that when biological traits, such as big or small ears on an animal, are either kept or lost in offspring depending on whether or not they are helpful and/or useful to the species at the place they live in. Now this seems like a lot to take in right? This is what Darwin sprang up to the society at the meeting, his theory if correct, could explain so much to our world. So the key element in this evolution theory is natural selection, so we have a lot more to study on this subject but i as a reporter for these new science ideas that Darwin has a good chance of making his theory a success!

Jessica White

stylist&fashion manage

The Linnaean society meeting

The Linnaean Society has now began their meeting in a grand court in our delightful city of London..”