Scifun #2 | Page 3


Now the Pro's are that the trusting building between the teams have grown stronger as in this isn't just some joke and have matured further into getting things in this project done and can actually put more thought and creativity into this magazine

Editor's Notes (*


Our view

Our views on the magazine is that it really is a great 'trust-fall' sort of project it really depends on whether or not you can count on your own team to do their work, or put it into the actual magazine in general. They can either survive or let your grades plummet to the ground you learn to really much that all of the group has responsibilaties. It just needs a few tweaks on basic sturcture of the project. It also appeased us that we are now able to work on our projects comfortably because now we know how to use the website to build our magazines instead of trial and error like last semester. It has become easier to focus more on the articles than how to put them into the magazine.


The con's of this project are almost the same as the last issue and that is when someone doesn't do their work and a tip for the next class that does this project is too learn how to use a magazine making website before hand

Scifun issue no. 2 2014