Scifun #2 | Page 18

Drugs can affect the nervous systems in various ways and here are some drugs to prove it. The first drug is the desomorphine, also krokodil drug, is a mixture of codeine and toxic ingredients including gasoline and lighter fluid. The drug eats your body from inside out by basically burning everything in your body slowly and tearing your skin apart. The next drug is called MDMA drug and it's a type of meth. The affects are anxiety, chillc, sweating, and muscle cramping. It also leads to depression, hyperthermia, and sleep disturbances. GHB drug is a medicine that treats loss of muscle control and excessive daytime sleepiness that is caused by a sleep disorder but it's still illegal in many different countries. The next drug is the ketamine drug, also known as vitamin K, can be injected, snorted, or smoked. Delirium, respiratory depression and arrest, and death are the effects of the drug. The last drug is PCP and analogs, also known as angel dust, can be smoked, swalled, or injected. Its effects are analesgia, psychosis, slurred speech, and loss coordination. These drugs affect the your bodies system

Jessica White

stylist&fashion manage


“Magna, sit amet consequat risus. Etiam id faucibus tortor a ipsum vehi-cula sed hendret. Duis quis purus adipiscing mi scelerisque dictum quis vel eros.Nullam eu tempor purus. Nunc a leo magna, sit amet consequat risus. Mollis lob-ortis. Integer sed dolor ut leo porta mollis augue..”