Global Warming is a thing many scientist are concerned about. Now what global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atomsphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide. Global warming effects many different things like the weather and climate. The reason scientists are so concerned is because it can cause many problems, for example here in the United States of America we can have an increase in yields, decreased snowpacks and severe stroms. This affects us and other organisms. Another thing that Global Warming is causing the rise of sea levels, its been said that if the sea levels continues to rise it will cause Florida and other states near the ocean to be underwater. Global Warming just doesn't only effect North America but other countries as well. Global warming effects everything in different ways/ It can cause rain forest to just stop being so rich in soil and water. In some countries like South America its causing species to go extinct and forests to change. In conclusion Global Warming might make things harder for us if we don't do anything about it. It can make our world change forever.
Jessica White
stylist&fashion manage
Global warming
“Mn some countries like South America its causing species to go extinct and forests to change. In conclusion Global Warming might make things harder for us if we don't do anything about it. It can make our world change forever...”