Recently there was a mass fire that struck Yellowstone National Forest. Currently the forest is now undergoing succession, succession is the act of following an order or sequence. Now, I know what you are thinking that this fire is bad for the forest, but not necessarily. Lets take a look at the factors of this fire that actually help the forest. Lets start with the Abiotic factors, Abiotic factors are the factors in the ecosystem that are not associzted or derived from living things. One of the Abiotic factors is the rising temperature which is good for some plants and animals. Another factor is the heat because it will cause humidity and cause the chances of rainfall to increase. The other factor are the Biotic factors, Biotic factors are the factors that have to do with life of living organisms. The fire boosts plant growth the plant Fireweed starts appering almost instantly after the fire has passed. Another type of plant that the fire helps is the Lodgepole Pine. It helps this plant because it produces pine cones that will disperse seeds when exposed to fire. This is also good for the Elk that live in the area because they eat grasses, plant and they are grazers. In conclusion Yellowstone National Forest will gradually change thanks to this fire. This fire did a lot of damage, but in return it caused some plants to grow and actually helped other living organisms
Jessica White
stylist&fashion manage
“Magna, sit amet consequat risus. Etiam id faucibus tortor a ipsum vehi-cula sed hendret. Duis quis purus adipiscing mi scelerisque dictum quis vel eros.Nullam eu tempor purus. Nunc a leo magna, sit amet consequat risus. Mollis lob-ortis. Integer sed dolor ut leo porta mollis augue..”