To begin, there wasn’t any change in the heart rate or the blood pressure. As for the MRI results, it revealed over pressure in the heart where oxygenated blood flows from the lungs.
As Swiss Scientists think, teens drinking three cans of energy drinks (more or less) every day could be reducing the amount of deep sleep they get.
Nowadays in parties and clubs, energy drinks are essential for legal temporary high for consumers and especially teenagers. Energy drinks are like power to them since they think it gives them the ability to have fun as much as possible and gives them happiness in the same time. Energy drinks also pose hazards to adolescents, especially when mixed with alcohol or punishing workouts. It’s kind of a necessity to them when it comes to parties and friends’ gatherings. They are so dependent on those unhealthy drinks.
Energy drinks have a short-term effect on cardiac contractility but what about the effect of energy drinks consumption on individuals with heart disease?