Ribosome :
It is a granular structure. It is known as Protein factories of the cell. It is help in protein
It is blue in light color and appear like bubbles. It store cell sap. It maintains intracellular
pressure. This work is very difficult. Plasma is her friend.
It is spherical yellow colored bodies. It helps in cell protection. It
destroyed the pathogens entering into the cell. It is call suicidal bags
of the cell. In addition to this we also help in cell digestion.
Lysosome originates either from the Golgi apparatus or directly from
ER. When the cell gets damaged Lysosome may burst and the
enzymes digest their own cell.
Figure 10.3 (Lysosome)
It is found only in animal’s cell.
It looks like a stick and it is a microtubule.
It is near the nucleus.
It’s having centrioles in it.
Cell division is her function i.e., formation of new
Figure 10.4 (Centrosome)
It is involved in cell respiration.
It helps in the oxidation of food materials that you eat and
provide energy.
Were they do not rest.
It is also known as Power house of the cell.
They also synthesize the energy rich compound ATP -
Adenosine Tri Phosphate.
Figure 10.5
Golgi Bodies:
It is a tubular structure involved in the secretion of digestive enzymes
and formation of Lysosome. It also separate proteins from the ingested
food and give strength to the body. In plant cell it is known as
Figure 10.6 (Golgi Bodies)