Science & Arts Academy - Into the Blue Gala 2017 1 | Page 3

Dear Friends of Science & Arts Academy ,
I am delighted to welcome you to Into the Blue , SAA ’ s annual gala . Tonight , we come together to enthusiastically support our school , with amazing items to bid on and exclusive experiences for you to win .
As SAA approaches its 25th anniversary year , this special event is critical to help ensure that SAA students are provided the best educational experience possible for many years to come .
Putting on an event of this magnitude requires an outstanding team of dedicated parent volunteers and staff members . What you experience tonight is the result of months of planning , and I am grateful to everyone who has played a part in making Into the Blue extraordinary , especially co-chairs Kelly Horvath and Kelly Mulcahy-Libel .
Into the Blue is truly a school community endeavor , with countless people donating items and unique experiences . Our Circle of Blue was instrumental in reaching out to their contacts on SAA ’ s behalf , resulting in a host of oneof-a-kind opportunities for auction . I extend special thanks to each of our donors , sponsors , and advertisers for their generous support of Science & Arts Academy .
Tonight , we also have the opportunity to recognize our Blue Horizon Award honoree , Mark Anderson . Mark ’ s contributions to SAA are innumerable , and he has shared his time , talent , and treasure with the school for the past twenty years .
On behalf of the students , faculty , and staff of Science & Arts Academy , I thank you for being part of Into the Blue . Here ’ s to a wonderful evening in support of our school .
Tim Costello Head of School