LIVE AUCTION The Live Auction will begin shortly after everyone is seated for dinner and will continue until all items have been auctioned off . To place a bid , the bidder should raise his / her bid number toward the auctioneer . A bid is recognized when called out by the auctioneer . The highest bidder acknowledged by the auctioneer will be the purchaser . Questions of priority and procedure shall be decided by the auctioneer whose decision shall be final and binding . In the event of any dispute between bidders the auctioneer shall have sole and final discretion to determine the successful bidder or to re-offer the item in dispute . With the word “ Sold !” from the auctioneer , title to the article will pass to the highest bidder . This person will identify himself by displaying his bid number until it has been recorded .
· qCheck Credit Card Registration
Guests cannot bid on any of the Auction items , purchase Beyond the Blue Party slots or purchase Drawing tickets without pre-registering their credit card . This can be done prior to ITB via the online registration and payment system under the qCheck tab . Credit cards will only be processed for those guests who have purchased auction items and experiences .
Guests who have not already registered their credit card online may do so during the cocktail hour from 6:30-7:30 p . m . Your table captain will explain this procedure .
If you would like to write a check for your purchases , this can be done after the event has concluded ( credit cards are not immediately processed ). Please drop the check off in the SAA front office with a copy of your receipt NO LATER THAN Tuesday , April 4 , 2017 . After that time , your credit card will be charged for your items .
RECEIPTS & ITEM PICK UP NEW THIS YEAR ! No waiting in line for check-out ! BEGINNING Monday , March 20 , 2017 at Noon .
1 . Obtain Items Physical items and gift certificates will be available for pickup at the Science & Arts Academy office starting at 12 p . m . on Monday , March 20 , 2017 . Winning bidders will sign for and receive their ITB 2017 receipt with their item ( s ) at the time of pickup . Contact Nina Menis at 847-827-7880 or nmenis @ scienceandartsacademy . org for alternate pickup arrangements .